Downloading guidelines: Firefox on Mac OS X

Follow these easy steps to get started. Note that these guidelines are for Firefox v3.0.1 running on Mac OS X 10.5.4.

If these guidelines aren't appropriate, check the other browser-specific guidelines to find some that are right for you.

Step 1 - Download file

You'll need to choose a name and location for your empty TiddlyWiki file - we recommend either your Desktop or Documents folder. Make sure you keep the .html file extension and leave the "Save As: Hypertext" default option as it is.

Step 2 - Download complete

Empty TiddlyWiki files are very small, and download should be completed quickly. You can now either launch the file from the download pane (shown below, double click on the file name to launch), or open your finder to open the file from there.

Step 3 - Open file

You'll be asked if you're sure you want to open the file - click "Open".

Step 4 - Grant authority

When you try to save your changes for the first time, Firefox may ask you to grant access to the file system. You will need to 'Allow' this for TiddlyWiki changes to be saved, and we recommend you tick the 'Remember this decision' checkbox so this dialogue box doesn't appear each time.


Step 5 - You're ready to start!

You're now ready to start playing with your TiddlyWiki file - be sure to check out the guidelines in Getting Started!

03 November 2011 (created 11 February 2011)
inserted by FC2 system