
TiddlyWiki now has the ability to save options in the TiddlyWiki document itself (in addition to the ability to save options in cookies). Persistent options are stored in the SystemSettings tiddler. Persistent options are sometimes called "baked" options, since the value of the cookie is "baked" into the TiddlyWiki.

As an example, let's look at the chkAnimate option; this is currently stored as a cookie. You can get its value to be persistent by adding it to the SystemSettings tiddler. If there is no SystemSettings tiddler, you need to create it. Then add, for example:

chkAnimate: true

This has two effects, it makes the chkAnimate option persistent, and it gives the option a value (in this case true, it could equally well have been false).

The option can still be changed in the normal way (by ticking the box in the options panel); it can also be changed by editing the value in the SystemSettings tiddler. If the option is removed from the SystemSettings tiddler, then its value will be retained, but it will stored in a cookie.

Under the hood

The "source" of an option is controlled by the config.optionsSource[optionName] variable. This can take one of two values:

  1. null - the option is stored in a cookie, this is the default.
  2. setting - the option is stored in the SystemSettings tiddler.

The config.optionsSource[] variable is controlled by the values in the SystemSettings tiddler. If the option exists in SystemSettings, then config.optionsSource[optionName] is set to setting, and the option is persisted.

11 February 2011 (created 11 February 2011)
inserted by FC2 system