
Access keys are shortcuts to common functions accessed by typing a letter with either the 'alt' (PC) or 'control-alt' (Mac) key:

PC Mac Function
~Alt-F ~Ctrl-Alt-F Search
~Alt-J ~Ctrl-Alt-J NewJournal
~Alt-N ~Ctrl-Alt-N NewTiddler
~Alt-S ~Ctrl-Alt-S SaveChanges

These access keys are provided by the associated internal Macros for the functions above. The macro needs to be used in an open tiddler (or the MainMenu or SideBar) in order for the access keys to work.

While editing a tiddler:

  • ~Control-Enter or ~Control-Return accepts your changes and switches out of editing mode (use ~Shift-Control-Enter or ~Shift-Control-Return to stop the date and time being updated for MinorChanges)
  • Escape abandons your changes and reverts the tiddler to its previous state

In the search box:

  • Escape clears the search term
31 October 2011 (created 11 February 2011)
inserted by FC2 system